My uncle came to visit last Tuesday. All of us cousins met up with him and he brought us to his fav Chinese dining place. According to him, it's the best Chinese restaurant in Melbourne so far. It's called Sung's Kitchen located @ Elizabeth Street. As usual, I took the tram down to the city to meet all of them.

Nice smelling Rose tea as recommended by the supervisor. It is said to enhance good complexion and reduce stress

My cup of wine...i think my uncle ordered Shiraz. Good wine~

a lil bit of the interior

part of the wine cabinet

xiao lung's nice but really xiao lo...The ones in Kch also not that xiao...

fried golden dumplings which is basically just fried dumplings but the type of meat inside is totally diff from what we can back home... it's Yumm!!
Uncle also ordered prawns, steam fish, beef, vege and chicken did not manage to take the others. It was indeed a dearly missed meal. A good Chinese restaurant with steam fish and prawns..haven't tasted that for so long dy...the food was really good...and i had two and a half glass of wine. Even helped my cousin to drink his as he gets red easily.hahaha... My head was a lil spinning after that but we still went for ice-cream for dessert.

Il Dolce we come!! It is known for the best Italian Ice-cream in Melbourne city. They are most famous for their durian ice-cream which tastes somewhat similar to eating real malaysian durian where you can taste the durian fiber in the ice-cream.

My Pick.... Roche and Cookies!!! ***Heaven***
Well, got back feeling a lil tipsy after that. It was my first time I got tipsy since i came to Melbourne. Must be the wine. Ying Zhen and Ches said that they could smell the smell of alco in me. My face wasn't red however, my eyes were red and my body and arms had spots of red.LOL..... But i was okay. The weather outside was cold but I felt warm the whole nite. I was good..I had fun and slept very well like a baby till the next morning. In conclusion, cold weather = drink wine = warm = good nite's sleep :Dxoxo~meLabels: MELBOURNE DAYS, OUT AND ABOUT