Fiesta Malaysia is an event held to commemorate Malaysia's Independence Day which was held on the 31st of Aug. I know that this event has passed more than a month ago but I have been quite lazy to upload pics. Tee-hee. Well, the only reason we went was because the Facebook Event Invites made it sound so interesting and most of all it said..there will be FOOD. Honestly, that was the only thing that attracted me, but only to disappoint myself when we went. Felt so cheated although deep down kinda expected it. Boo ... )= Especially since it is Hari Raya back home atm...not that it matters so much to me, but i kinda miss the food and the yearly visitings! Ok, enough enough..!! Despite the rain and shine going on and off, i managed to snap a few pics. And my, there really are Lotsa Malaysians around! Being there that day, just felt familiar..i guess it felt like Home. 
Fiesta Malaysia @ Federation Square

Traditional Malay wedding

the crowd when it first started...

the malaysian flag was actually UP!!!

the Babas and Nyonyas singing some "Burung Kakak Tua..."

yes...a common sight. bet most of u know what this is...

the crowd later on...about 2 hours after the starting time. well, guess typical malaysian time does also apply in Melb, no?

these two kids were really adorable. there were the young stars that day..even ang mohs and photographers too pics of them ok!! and they were just random kids whose parents just left them on the floor to play

Patriotisim inculcated from young huh?

Sepak takraw

And that was about it. Cos the rain got heavier after that and we went off to some other place. Pity the people there tho. The crowd wasnt that large altho more came in later on, but im sure the rain made it worse. as always,`meLabels: KUCHING-HOME, OUT AND ABOUT