♥ Living Hopes | Living Life ♥

I'm an ordinary girl, just like other typical girls. I take life as it is, good or bad, easy or hard and i enjoy the finest things in life. After all,it would be a real waste not to. Life's short, enjoy and live it the way u want it.

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Location: Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

I feel contented and blessed. God gave me a wonderful and lovely family.I also feel loved bcoz He gave me lotsa great friends that care and are always there for me no matter what the weather outside may be and am also grateful for each and every person that He wants me to meet.Most of all, i'm thankful for the blessings that He has showered and the beautiful, finest things that I appreaciate and enjoy in life.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The meaning of Family


What exactly does it mean?? Father And Mother I Love You??

Haha..well it certainly can mean that. But, that six letter word actually holds a huge meaning and means a lot more.

I guess it's when u are far away then u actually appreciate the closeness of a relationship which u had once had all the while but unable to be near to it due to the distance. And it's also amazing how the people whom we call family is always there for us whether or not we want them to, yet never ditch us in times of need. well, a few days before i turned 21, i received early greetings and presents from my aunt . She wrote me a letter as well which nearly brought me to tears. That letter actually touched me n made me wana cry and suddenly miss the times when she used to bring me out when i was a little gurl. When i was a little gurl, the both of us were very close and spent a lot of time together. i used to follow her to her shopping trips and she said among all her nieces she dotes me the most as we can click easily even now and i reminded her a lot of herself when she was younger. I guess there has always been this special bond btwn us all along. As i was reading that letter, it really made me stop for a while and think about home..about all my loved ones back home. When u are that far away, it really does matter n it's really important to know there's someone close..related to you, just around the corner. It means even more when that someone is family. It's times like this when family is what u have because they are family...friends can be very close but family will still be family..esp knowing that that person loves and cares for u a lot. Since i got here, i thought i would not b able to get through all the missing home, family and friends thingy, well, i sort of did..sort of...or more accurately, i am slowly getting used to living w/o them. But i also learned smth else. I learnt to realise how much the immediate family means to me. Although they are not my family...but they are the closest to them that I have here. They are the ones whom u thought might not be able to get along with or have less in common to talk about. But amazingly, these ppl are the ones who make u feel like home when u are that far a distance away from home. Although i have cousins, aunts and uncles in Melb and in oth states, scattered all over Aus, it never occur to me that how fast we could hit off and how close we eventually got when i got here as we do not see or talk to each other that much back home. They are also the ones who would call to check on you when u just arrived, making sure that u have all that is necessary and if not, go to great lengths that u never expect to help you.

Well, that's family. It really helps and means a lot to know that family is always there. And I would not trade anything in the world for that.

PS: Thanks aunt for the cards, make-up and presents. Means a lot to me. Love ya lotz!




Blogger Len said...

Nat...somehow, when i read this post.. i started to cry and realised how much i missed my family..

i'm getting use to living here now.. and i dont think so much of home (well, not as much as before), but your post brought me back to those feelings.

It reminds me that nothing could replace that special bond you share with your family, but the people around you are substitutes from God who makes u feel better anytime.


I feel the same way, and Im really praying we'll get to meet up SOON here in Australia!!

7:52 PM  
Blogger n.a.t.a.l.i.e said...

hey len, so sorry to make u cry. really din think it wud make anyone else cry except me. i cried too when i was typing this post. LOL..im also getting used to life here i guess. stil miss home but not dat much.. i really understand how u feel le..but ya, like u said..the ppl around u r angels sent by God to be with us. yeap..hopefully we can meet up!! *huggies*

2:08 AM  

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