♥ Living Hopes | Living Life ♥

I'm an ordinary girl, just like other typical girls. I take life as it is, good or bad, easy or hard and i enjoy the finest things in life. After all,it would be a real waste not to. Life's short, enjoy and live it the way u want it.

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Location: Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

I feel contented and blessed. God gave me a wonderful and lovely family.I also feel loved bcoz He gave me lotsa great friends that care and are always there for me no matter what the weather outside may be and am also grateful for each and every person that He wants me to meet.Most of all, i'm thankful for the blessings that He has showered and the beautiful, finest things that I appreaciate and enjoy in life.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Hmmm...tonight's a bit weird. Okay...maybe not weird cos that might sound so negative. But it's unlike usual. Or maybe it's just me being super sensitive and probably too emo. When i came online tonite, most of my friends were online. And dunno what mood also la... they all came clicking on me and thus conversations of casual greetings came to something. Something meaningful, that made me realise and learned that i've got a whole lot of support back there. Ppl were so concern and caring bout how I performed last sem. Well whatever happened, happens for a reason aite? Words of comfort and support filled the air as if taking over my air to breathe. People like Leng, Kai, Samson, Siew Ching and others were being all supportive and concerned particularly tonite. I must give them credits for trying to cheer me up and lightening me as I admit I’m one stubborn silly gal and keep most of the things to myself. No...don't get me wrong, it’s not that they are a bunch of lousy friends or anything but rather they don’t usually or never show their this side to me. It’s when they did then I realized I’m indeed blessed to know each and everyone of them and are proud to call them my friends. Although they just mere words, I could sense their sincerity through that. It also made me realized that a friend in need is a friend indeed. Of coz, of coz not forgetting My AMAZING friends, ppl like Xinyi, Ches, Gracie, Teresa, Eko, Aileen, Ping, Ying, Len, Alicia… (aduh, a lot la…u know hu you are la). I can’t continue typing or else I would sound like a winner of the Oscars or smth thanking this and that, holding the trophy on one hand and the thank-you list on the other. Thank you so much for reminding me that u guys are there, the encouragement, your concern and thanks for bearing with my crap. I’m sorry fer giving you guys a hard time trying to make me feel better. Also, some of you, thanks fer ya prayers. Honestly, I have no regrets because of having the chance to meet all you wonderful people in my life. Even though those that I’ve only got to know them for a short while, I am thankful to have actually known you. You all are like diamonds in the sand, hard to find and once found, worth treasuring.

PS: I knew I sounded a bit mushy and all but heyy…this is my token of appreciation. So don’t complain. =)

Luv ya all to bits




Blogger n.a.t.a.l.i.e said...

yes yes i know..dats why i know i am blessed to know all of u. =)

2:25 AM  

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